Beer Moments with Dad

Jun 02, 2014Kyle Westfall

As Clark W. Griswold sentimentally told his son Rusty in the classic beer scene from National Lampoon’s Family Vacation, “When I was your age, my dad shared a beer with me, and I thought it was the best thing in the world.”

Dads and beer, beer and dads, they go together like peas and carrots.  Sometimes beer is more than just a drink.  Maybe it represents a special moment shared between you and your father, or perhaps it sparks a memory about who he is and what he enjoys.  One thing is for sure, Dad loves beer (almost as much as he loves you).  So what should you get dear old Dad for Father’s Day this year? Beer!  What’s better than beer?  Craft Beer!

This year, don’t just give him a 12-pack of his favorite craft beer.  Give him something even better, the experience of brewing his own with one of our premium home brewing kits.  It’s a perfect gift for the Dad who loves to brew (and drink!) or for the Dad who’s interested in taking his interest in craft beer to the next level.  An added bonus, you get an opportunity to create a “beer moment” with the man that taught you how to appreciate a cold one. 

If you’re a father and would like to receive a home brewing kit in lieu of a tie this year, we’ve provided some helpful suggestions on how to drop subtle hints to the members of your family…

  1. Casually mention (repeatedly) how much you would like to start brewing your own craft beer.  
  2. Set your internet start up page on the family computer to the Craft A Brew home page. 
  3. Share this article with your wife or children on Facebook and invite them to “like” Craft-A-Brew’s Facebook page
  4. When discussing finances, throw in that you can cut costs by brewing your own beer.  (It’s the fiscally responsible thing to do.) 
  5. Tell your kids that a great bonding moment would be brewing beer together.  (We’re sure they will agree.)

Do you have your own “Clark W. Griswold beer moment” with your Dad?  Comment below and share your story with us for a chance to win a homebrew kit and accessories for dad! Then, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more chances to win.

 Craft A Brew Owner Kyle Westfall and His Dad

 Craft A Brew Owner Kyle Westfall and his Wonderful Dad



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Comments (3)

  • Taking a wooden boat across the rio grande and then a mile hike to boquillas to grab a beer and play a game of pool. Was good times

    Doug Landrum
  • My parents separated 14 years ago, and at the time, the terms with my father were all but good. My brothers, sister, and I were raised by my mother. We spent the occasional weekend with my dad, but the most time we really had to spend with him was at our soccer games on the weekends. Jump ahead a few years… I am lucky to see my dad once a year now. Not by choice, but geographically we seldom have the free time and disposable income for a visit. Nonetheless, for the last few years when we do see each other, it has become a tradition to spend hours catching up over a craft beer (actually, its more like a few brews). The once-a-year tradition has become a motivator for us to connect on a daily basis, sharing interesting articles about craft beers from BeerPulse, the Brewers Association, local articles, etc.. We frequently talk about home brewing together if I ever moved home. For now, circumstances have kept us apart, but our mutual passion for craft beers has strengthened our relationship. I am certain that he would love and appreciate a home brew kit + accessories!

    Chris K
  • I do not have a beer story to share about my father, but recently my husband and I brewed beer. Our little guy was right there with us every step of the way, drinking a root beer! It made a lasting impression.


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