Chocolate Milk Stout 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit


Moo-ve over light beers, this rich Chocolate Milk Stout 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit uses raw cacao nibs and lactose sugar to achieve a smooth, semi-sweet, roasty chocolate flavor.

Chocolate Milk Stout Specs

What's Inside the Chocolate Milk Stout 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit

This Chocolate Milk Stout 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit includes all the ingredients to brew a rich Chocolate Milk Stout:

  • 6.25 lb Dry Malt Extract
  • Cluster (Bittering) Hop Packet
  • Cluster (Late Bittering) Hop Packet
  • Steeping Grains
  • Lactose Sugar Packet
  • Videri Cacao Nibs Packet
  • Yeast Packet
  • Grain Steeping Bag

Brew Your Own Chocolate Milk Stout

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