5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kits

Get a proven 5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kit. We invented industry leading technology to improve the home brewing process. Our 5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kit is available in eight delicious recipes and simplifies the process of making larger batches of beer. Every 5 Gallon Home Brew Kit includes our proprietary fermenter and all the items needed to make incredible beer at home. We designed our kit to produce exceptional craft beer while requiring less devices, space, effort, and time cleaning up.

5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kit

Regular price $279.99

Perfect for first-time brewers, this kit includes everything you’ll need to create your first 5-gallon batch of craft beer at home. This bundled starter kit is valued at $277.98.

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Available in 8 Recipes
Craft a Brew American Pale Ale Round Label
Craft a Brew Brown Ale Round Label
Craft a Brew Irish Stout Round Label
Craft a Brew Fat Friar Amber Ale Round Label
Craft a Brew Octoberfest Round Label
Craft a Brew Hefeweizen Round Label
Craft a Brew Light Lager Round Label
Craft a Brew Steam Beer Round Label

How To Use Our 5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kit

A Streamlined 5 Gallon Home Brew Kit

Our 5 Gallon Home Brew Kit simplifies the fermentation process. It eliminates tedious steps and the need for extra vessels that take up space. Includes homebrew essentials like a capper, bottle caps, thermometer, and sanitizer.

What's Inside Our 5 Gallon Beer Brewing Kits

  • The Catalyst Fermentation System Learn more
  • Capping Kit (Capper, 100 Caps)
  • Thermometer
  • Sanitizer Packet
  • Guide to Brewing and Fermenting
  • 5 Gallon recipe kit of your choice (Specialty Grains, Grain Bag, Dry Malt Extract, Hops and Yeast)*

Less Equipment, Better Results

Other starter kits in the market include a long list of equipment that require a whole lot of space and clean up; we’re talking about multiple buckets, carboys, tubing, siphons, funnels, multiple airlocks, etc... Our revolutionary 5 Gallon Beer Kit has condensed all these tools into one sleek and functional design, the Catalyst Fermentation System.
Conventional Starter Kit Equipment

Conventional Starter Kit Equipment

Craft a Brew Starter Kit Equipment

Craft a Brew Starter Kit Equipment

(The Catalyst Fermentation System)

Simplifying the post-brewing process with the Catalyst Fermentation System

Our Five Gallon Beer Kit - New Brewer Starter Kit includes our innovative Catalyst Fermentation System. We’ve eliminated the need to siphon and transfer your beer during fermentation, and we included a bottling attachment making it easier than ever to make great craft beer at home.
Post-Primary Fermentation Illustration

Post-Primary Fermentation

Close the valve, detach the jar containing sediment. Screw on a smaller jar for secondary fermentation and open valve.
Secondary Fermentation & Aging Illustration

Secondary Fermentation & Aging

Close the valve, detach the jar containing sediment and discard.
Prime Your Beer Illustration

Prime Your Beer

Add sugar and stir.
Bottling Illustration


Screw on the bottling attachment along with the transfer tubing and open the valve to begin.

Our Guide to Brewing & Fermenting With The Catalyst

A step by step guide to brewing, fermenting, and bottling your beer.