Maltodextrin is the ‘body builder’ of the brewing world. If you’ve ever felt like your brew was too thin or somewhat watery - try adding Maltodextrin to boost the body & create fuller mouthfeel when brewing. This (mostly) non-fermentable corn derived sugar also helps with head retention without altering the flavor or color.
Though it doesn’t contribute significant sweetness to the beer, Maltodextrin a great dairy-free substitute for lactose if you want to achieve a similar creamy, smooth mouthfeel in your brew.
Available in 1.6 oz & 8 oz bags:
- 1.6 oz will treat a gallon of beer
- 8 oz will treat a 5 gallon batch or multiple smaller volume batches of beer
HOW-TO use Maltodextrin for brewing: Add with DME (Dried Malt Extract) on brew day to add body, to add smooth mouthfeel & to boost head retention without added flavor. Adds 4 gravity points to the fermented beer.
- Add to our New England IPA, which already gets a body boost from oats, for an even fuller, softer mouthfeel.
- Add to imperial stouts or imperial PAs to combat the thinness that often comes with high gravity beers.