Oak Aged IPA Beer Recipe Kit


A take back to the traditional India Pale Ale style that is highly hopped giving the beer a fresh, bitter bite. Our Oak Aged IPA Beer Recipe Kit creates a beer shows hints of oak giving it that barrel aged taste, much like the original English Pale Ales that were sent to India in hand crafted barrels.

Oak Aged IPA Specs

What's Inside the Oak Aged IPA Beer Recipe Kit

This 1-gallon recipe kit includes all the ingredients to brew this traditional IPA:

  • 1.5 lb Pilsen Dry Malt Extract
  • Cascade (Bittering) Hop Packet
  • Willamette (Late Bittering) Hop Packet
  • Goldings (Aroma) Hop Packet
  • Steeping Grains
  • Toasted Oak Chips
  • Standard Ale Yeast Packet
  • Sanitizer Packet
  • Grain Steeping Bag

Brew Your Own Oak Aged IPA

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