Carbonation Drops
Ready to bottle carbonate your beer (or hard cider)? A time-saving substitute for priming sugar, Carbonation Drops (or Fizz Drops) are ready to use right out of the bag. Each drop contains a uniform weight of pure sugar to fuel carbonation in bottles. Yeast convert this sugar into CO2 inside sealed bottles to create fizzy, carbonated beers.
Drop one into each 12 oz bottle - or 2 drops per 22 oz or 750 mL bottle - before you fill with beer or hard cider.
Carbonation Drops are great for any batch since they’re portioned into uniform sugar drops. A simple time-saving shortcut to a smooth bottling day. Perfect for using with our 1 gallon Home Beer Brewing Kit, 1 gallon Beer Recipe Kit, 5 gallon Beer Recipe Kit, 1 gallon Hard Cider Brew Kit or 1 gallon Hard Cider Recipe Kit.
HOW-TO use Carbonation Drops to bottle carbonate your homebrew: Add 1 drop per 12 oz bottle (2 drops per 22 oz bottle) before filling with beer or hard cider. Cap or seal each bottle & let carbonate per your kit’s instructions.
[button type="Danger" text="Shop bottles & caps" url="https://craftabrew.com/collections/bottling-equipment"]
[button type="Danger" text="looking for priming sugar?" url="https://craftabrew.com/products/priming-sugar-beer"]