Golden Strong Ale Beer Recipe Kit

Regular price $20.00
  • Makes 1 gallon of beer
  • Ready to drink in 4 weeks
  • Ingredient-only Beer Recipe Kit
  • Fermented with Belgian yeast

On a beach of pale beers, this buff Belgian goes for the gold. Our Golden Strong Ale Beer Recipe Kit brings the muscle with a 6.2% ABV, but remains refreshing and drinkable. This Golden Strong Ale Beer Recipe Kit is perfect for fans of Duvel®, this strong ale flexes fruity, spicy notes from the specialty Belgian yeast, while crisp malt and clean hop flavors round out this well-built beer.

Golden Strong Ale Specs

What's Inside the Golden Strong Ale Beer Recipe Kit

This 1-gallon recipe kit includes all the ingredients to brew our buff Belgian:

  • 1.5 lb Pilsen Dry Malt Extract
  • Saaz (Bittering, Flavoring) Hop Packet
  • Steeping Grains
  • Belgian Ale Yeast Packet
  • Sanitizer Packet
  • Grain Steeping Bag

Brew Your Own Golden Strong Ale

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