Non-Alcoholic DIY Kits & Gifts

Kombucha Starter Kit from Craft a Brew
Inside the Craft a Brew Kombucha Starter Kit
Regular priceFrom $44.99
Kombucha Starter Kit
Ultimate Kombucha Lover Gift Set
Ultimate Kombucha Lover Gift Set
Sold Out
Root Beer Kit from Craft a Brew
Inside the Root Beer Kit from Craft a Brew
Regular price $34.99
Root Beer Kit
Root Beer Recipe Kit from Craft a Brew
Inside the Root Beer Recipe Kit from Craft a Brew
Regular price $24.99
Root Beer Recipe Kit
Root Beer Botanicals
Root Beer Botanicals
Regular priceFrom $8.99
Root Beer Botanicals
Homemade Hot Sauce from Craft a Brew
Hot Sauce Kit
Regular price $24.99
Hot Sauce Kit
Hot Sauce Recipe Kit
Hot Sauce Recipe Kit
Regular price $10.00
Hot Sauce Recipe Kit
Craft Cola Kit from Craft a Brew
Inside the Craft Cola Kit from Craft a Brew
Regular price $34.99
Craft Cola Kit
Craft Cola Recipe Kit from Craft a Brew
Inside the Craft Cola Recipe Kit from Craft a Brew
Regular price $24.99
Craft Cola Recipe Kit
Craft Cola Botanicals
Craft Cola Botanicals
Regular priceFrom $8.99
Craft Cola Botanicals
Apple Cider Vinegar Kit from Craft a Brew
Apple Cider Vinegar Kit
Regular price $44.99
Apple Cider Vinegar Kit
Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe Kit
Regular price $19.99
Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe Kit
Kombucha Bottling Kit
Kombucha Bottling Kit
Regular priceFrom $24.99
Kombucha Bottling Kit
SCOBY & Starter Liquid
Regular price $19.99
SCOBY & Starter Liquid
Kombucha Recipe Kit from Craft a Brew
Kombucha Recipe Kit Ingredients
Regular price $4.99
Kombucha Recipe Kit
Kombucha Heat Wrap
Kombucha Heat Wrap
Regular price $34.99
Kombucha Heat Wrap
Sold Out
Kombucha Jar with Valve
Kombucha Jar with Valve
Regular price $34.99
Kombucha Jar with Valve