American Ale Yeast

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Looking for extra yeast for homebrewing beer? Try our Standard American Ale Yeast, a strain used in many of our 1 gallon beer recipe kits.

A pre-measured 2g packet of a neutral American ale yeast - ferments 1 gallon of beer. Used in our 1 gallon American Pale Ale, Oak Aged IPA, White House Honey Ale & more!

This yeast strain is a neutral, clean finishing yeast. It helps maintain a foamy head retention and provides a clean, crisp palate in the finished beer. Standard Ale Yeast is very similar to Safale US-05.

Our active dry yeasts do not require hydration or a yeast starter to begin fermentation. 

This American Ale yeast thrives in a fermentation temperature range of 54 - 77°F (ideally 59 - 71ºF). It is an ideal yeast for American beer styles: pale ales, porters, stouts, blondes, IPAs and highly hopped beers.

HOW-TO use our Standard American Ale Yeast in a 1 gallon beer:

1. Ensure wort is chilled to 75 °F or below.
2. Pitch entire packet & aerate for a full minute to begin fermentation.

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