Dark Belgian Candi Sugar
A multi-use homebrewing ingredient imported from Belgium, Dark Belgian Candi Sugar can help give your beer a Belgian flair. Boost ABV while also adding a touch of color and subtle toffee & raisin flavor to your brew. This amber colored rock sugar is 100% fermentable sugar refined from sugar beets.
This is the same Dark Belgian Candi Sugar used in our Belgian Abbey Dubbel to boost ABV and add some Belgian character.
Try our Light Belgian Candi Sugar, which provides the same gravity boost without adding any flavor or color to the finished beer.
Available in 1.6 oz, 8 oz & 1 lb packs:
A 1.6 oz pack will treat a 1 gallon batch of beer.
An 8 oz pack will treat 5x 1 gallon batches of beer OR a single 5 gallon batch of beer.
- A 1 lb bag will treat up to 10 gallons of beer OR multiple smaller batches.
HOW-TO use Dark Belgian Candi Sugar: Add to wort at 5 min left in the boil & stir to completely dissolve. Using 1.6 oz per gallon will add 4 gravity points (0.5% ABV) per gallon of beer.