Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch Lactobacillus Plantarum

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Pucker up & brew your own sour beer with Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch Lactobacillus Plantarum. Sour Pitch is perfect for kettle souring - it produces a clean, balanced citrus sour flavor. This is the same lactic acid bacteria used in our Florida Weisse Kettle Sour Recipe Kit.  

How does it work? Beer boils down to 4 essential ingredients: malt, hops, yeast & water. To craft a kettle sour you must recruit a 5th player: Lactobacillus Plantarum.

During fermentation, yeast convert sugar from malted barley into alcohol and CO2. Typically, you don’t want to introduce any other wild yeast or foreign bacteria. But to make a sour you’ll deliberately introduce lactic acid bacteria to un-hopped wort to convert the sugars into lactic acid to create sour flavor.

HOW-TO use Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch Lactobacillus Plantarum: Begin brewing as usual (steep the grains, add the DME), but stop before the 60 minute boil. Chill the wort to 100*F or below and add the Lactobacillus Plantarum to the pot. Cover the kettle with plastic wrap and then with its lid. Kettle sour for 1-4 days, tasting with a clean spoon daily. The longer you kettle sour, the more tart it’ll become due to the Lactic Acid Bacteria. Souring can be accelerated at temperatures between 80 - 100 *F. Once soured to your liking, resume brew day to kill the bacteria and proceed with adding hops. Ferment as usual!

  • Try using it to transform our Hefeweizen into a classic German Berliner Weisse.
  • Get creative & use Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch Lactobacillus Plantarum to create a Gose, Sour IPA or other tart beer!

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