Potassium Metabisulphite
- Antioxidant & bactericide
- Inhibits spoilage bacteria in bottles
- Preserves color in wines or meads
- 4 oz package
Potassium metabisulphite is an important wine making ingredient. It preserves and stabilizes wines, ciders and meads. When added to must it forms SO2 (sulfur dioxide gas), which prevents wild microorganisms or wild yeast from growing. It also acts as a potent antioxidant to protect your wine’s color and flavor.
Add to wine or mead must 24 hours before pitching yeast to inhibit spoilage bacteria before fermentation begins. Can also use in conjunction with Potassium Sorbate to help stabilize a wine prior to backsweetening or corking to prevent re-fermentation in storage.
Compared to Sodium metabisulphite (campden tablets), Potassium metabisulphite releases slightly lower amounts of sulfite into a wine.
Package contains 4 Oz Potassium Metabisulphite.
Use ¼ Teaspoon per 5 gallons.
Explore our wide selection of wine making ingredients, including Wine Yeast Nutrient, Acid Blend, Pectic Enzyme, Wine Tannin, Potassium Sorbate & Campden Tablets.