Mini Auto Siphon

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A Mini Auto Siphon might be the best $12 you’ll ever spend on your home brewing hobby. Bottling day is a breeze with our mini auto siphon - it does all the work for you on bottling day. No more fussing with a racking cane - ever. With just one pump, this auto siphon tool quickly transfers beer (or wine or mead) out of your fermenter.

Our Mini Auto Siphon is specifically designed for a 1 gallon carboy - it's just the right size for the job. An auto-siphon is a great add-on for any home beer brewing kit, hard cider kit, wine making kit, mead kit - since all of these kits use a siphon technique to separate liquid from sediment. Using an auto siphon eliminates hassle or frustration on bottling day for those who hate dealing with racking canes.

This Mini Auto Siphon is compatible with 5/16” inner diameter transfer tubing, which is included in our 1 gallon fermentation kits.

Choose from 2 options:

1. Mini Auto-Siphon - compatible with 5/16" ID tubing
2. Mini Auto-Siphon Bundle - includes transfer tubing (3.5' length) & a tube clamp

How to use:

1. On bottling day, sanitize your auto-siphon with the rest of your bottling day equipment (bottles, caps, funnel, transfer tubing, etc.)
2. Attach transfer tubing to the caruved part of the mini auto siphon.
3 Remove the stopper from your carboy & insert the end of the auto siphon to submerge it in your beer.
4. Pull the inner tube up until it's filled with liquid.
5. Pump the inner tube down to begin the siphon flow.
6. Using a tubing clamp, stop flow of beer, wine or cider as needed to bottle.

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